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Rules and Regulations



1. No alcoholic beverages on any part of the campus at any given time.

2. Refrain from gathering in a small space. If people are having a hard time getting through, we will ask that you gather elsewhere.

3. Smokers, please be sure to take a smoke break off campus. As long as your badge is showing, it is your ticket back in. 

4. Sexual harassment or racial slurs with the intent to harm is not tolerated on the event site. 

5. Public nudity is not allowed.

6. Don't harass the volunteers. All workers have the right to report you to an official.



1. Cosplays must be decent to wear in public. Suggestive cosplays should be kept to a minimum, as younger students will also be attending this event. (No nipples, genitalia, buttcheeks. Hips and belly are okay within reason.)

2. You may not use real weapons. Weapons and props made of metal cannot be sharp due to safety concerns. All cosplay artifacts must be safe in public. 

3. Weapons must not be swung around, thrown, jabbed, slashed, or be used recklessly in general. Reckless behavior will result in confiscation, and will not be returned until you are leaving the convention. 

4. We do not have extra rooms where you can fix ruined cosplays, so please be sure to be careful. Bathrooms should not be crowded with cosplayers.

5. Cosplays must not be in the way of other people, such as crowding a hallway or room due to a large prop. We will ask that you remove the item, or your badge may be confiscated without refund.

6. Cosplays must not be similar to an official uniform, such as a police or security guard.

7. Gun props must be obvious that they are fake, otherwise they will be confiscated. (They should have an orange tip.) Plastic BB guns must be emptied of any pellets. 


All weapons will be thoroughly checked at the admission gate.





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